cooking up opportunities

“Cooking Opportunities” is the story of a dream come true thanks to many hands. A new classroom workshop for students of Vocational Training in Basic Cooking Operations of the Maria Corredentora School that thanks to the collaboration of sponsors and families, is now a reality. Young people with intellectual disabilities now have a professional kitchen in which to train to work in the future in the world of Hospitality. Without your help, this kitchen, which is more than just a space, would not have been possible. It is as they say “a door to opportunities” Thank you for making it possible At Maria Corredentora School (Madrid) we have more than 70 years of experience offering a quality, inclusive and personalized education, thanks to a team of professionals committed to the needs of each student. Our educational project has the student at the center. Thanks to this philosophy and the close collaboration between professionals and families, we achieve a global education that goes beyond the curricular aspect and focuses on the integral development of the student, attending to their pedagogical, functional, emotional and spiritual needs.

TEACHING TO BE AUTONOMOUS We aim for our students to be as autonomous as possible in all facets of their lives. Therefore, the work on autonomy is present in each and every one of the areas of work, from the time of cleanliness, order and care of their personal belongings, the use of the euro, the means of transport...

TEACHING TO LIVE TOGET TOGETHER The development of social skills that allow the full participation of our students is fundamental. Therefore, their learning is present throughout the entire educational period, from Early Childhood Education to Professional Programs, with contents and activities adapted to their age and abilities.

TEACHING TO ENJOY The care of emotional well-being is one of the fundamental aspects of the center, a care that goes beyond the student and extends to his family, accompanying and welcoming them from the first moment so that they feel that we go hand in hand with them in each of the steps.

ALL YOUR CHILD NEEDS, IN ONE SCHOOL PEDAGOGICAL SERVICE Develops a continuous process of support to achieve objectives focused on human development, social interaction and the prevention of difficulties and possible alterations.

COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGE Individual intervention program aimed at developing students' communication skills and competence.

PHYSIOTHERAPY Physical rehabilitation, control and monitoring of all students who require it, working to the maximum of their potential those facets that are found to be abnormal.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION-HIDROCINESITERAPY Adapting to the age and abilities of each student, the professionals develop an individualized intervention program with the specific objective of promoting their motor development.

SOCIAL WORK SERVICE Provides families with information, support and advice on existing resources and rights in order to improve their quality of life.

NURSING Health control, organization of food diets and maintenance of periodic consultations in the Educational Center with the corresponding health professional.

MUSICAL EDUCATION To encourage students' social participation through music, fostering students' attention, expressiveness, improvisation skills and body language.

TECHNOLOGY SERVICE Activities with different digital supports for each class group in which the contents are adapted to the abilities and learning pace of each student.

SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION The school transportation service is made up of twelve routes that cover a large part of the Community of Madrid to meet the logistic and conciliation needs of our families.