One of the most complex and demanding tasks when facing 3D dental models are, aside from implant models, removable dies. As far as expecting to obtain an accurate model we’re compelled to avoid any mobility or rotation of the dies, and thus to ensure die proper placement whilst respect contact points with remaining teeth.
IPD have developed the simplest and easy-going system on the market, which will bring IPD users a tool to ensure and guarantee repeatability in 3D additive manufacturing.
By the exclusive use of IPD software, will be able to obtain these removable dies with a full guarantee of success, saving from repetitions and adjustment problems.
The IPD' commitment to digitisation is represented by the ModelPro software, whose main function is the creation of 3D models, but which also includes exclusive tools such as Stump Die 3D or Scan Abutment Replace.
It is the only software on the market capable of running on both MAC OS and Windows environments and is completely free of charge, with no initial cost, no maintenance fees and with automatic lifetime updates.
It is a software whose main function is to create 3D models, but it is not the only utility it will have. Below, we specify the functions that will be offered in this first version.
For more information about the launch of the ModelPro software in different countries of Europe, you must fill in the following contact form.
For more information about the launch of the ModelPro software in different countries of Europe, you must fill in the following contact form.
Responsable técnico
Soporte digital
Técnico de CAD/CAM
Product Specialist
If you have questions or need help in registering, installing or using ModelPro software, please request assistance through this "ModelPro Support" form.
To share you must use the Wetransfer IPD platform.
When requesting assistance, it is required to download the TEAMVIEWER application.
The ModelPro software allows you to share any project you have done.
PROCESSOR: Intel I5 or I7 (for laptops).
Quad Core recommended (for Workstations)
RAM: minimum 4 GB.
For big datasets 8 GB are suggested
HARD DISK: 300 – 500 GB
GRAPHICS CARD: 3GB or higher vRAM recommended.
For higher performances Nvidia GTX or QUADRO line
SCREEN RESOLUTION: 1920x1080 for optimal visualization
OS: Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 10.
For professional use we suggest the Dell XPS 15 (9560) notebook lineup.
MacBook Pro 15”
(from 10.15 Catalina onwards)
iPad Pro
iPhone 7 Plus, 8, X
Start the software download. Once you have received the installer, run it, follow the steps and it will install automatically.
1. Download the executable
2. Select language
3. Follow the instructions of the wizard
4. you must accept the licence agreements for the complete download.
5. Choose where to install the ModelPRO software on your device